Create Actionable Core Values
Richard Ensley Richard Ensley

Create Actionable Core Values

With today’s consumers willing to spend more money on brands that share similar values, bringing your core values to the front and center of your marketing efforts can deepen the bond between your audience and your brand.

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Defining Your Brand Purpose
Richard Ensley Richard Ensley

Defining Your Brand Purpose

Every business knows what they do—the product they sell or the service they offer—this is easy. But most businesses fail to answer the one question that we as human beings are physiologically conditioned to connect with—WHY?

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What is a Brand, Anyway?
Richard Ensley Richard Ensley

What is a Brand, Anyway?

The word “brand” gets thrown around pretty loosely these days — Often being used to describe marketing efforts or packaging. Let’s create some clarity on this topic before we go any further.

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